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- ‘Very rare’ 77-year-old piece of cake from Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip’s wedding sells for $2,800 CNN
- Slice of Cake from Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip’s Wedding 77 Years Ago Sells at Auction PEOPLE
- A 77-Year-Old Slice of Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip's Wedding Cake Just Sold for $3,000 at Auction Brides
Read Again https://news.google.com/rss/articles/CBMilwFBVV95cUxQcFBBd3RaVFV5VGxhelJsYkd4Zi1Db3BzNGNZVDh4Wkw5dzVpaGtyUjhTekJXVTh5dXAtVmRQUk1MRFBJRHdScHVqdnNFRXcwNHZpRG43c1RYS2xYUjd6WWROVDBLNHhtMUVlLUYzSHpsX1RvNGhFX2FFT0lpODU2a1RacGVRVVR6cVpqZFUyT0NEdnMyMHNv0gGOAUFVX3lxTE9PT0FrWnRwVHV1bFRHdFhhanhHajBFUUdNSy1Lek5qUEdyWk1jd3dUWWt3X3VOT2xPS1ExazE2QWlUV3NSNlB0ZEhSNC0zZ1FiVl9NMktLdlBuR1RPaDY5TzFLZE51MUJpaUZ0ZmpIY2ZoUWJ4aEEwR1JtSEIzNHdsTENELTRhbWZLSFFRT1E?oc=5
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