You haven't got long left now to complete the Fortnite Birthday Cake challenge, as the event is all set to conclude in little over 24 hours time. In this Fortnite Birthday Challenges guide, you'll have to complete the objective that tasks you to 'Dance in front of different Birthday Cakes', and for you to do just that, we'll be providing you with a complete list of the various Fortnite Birthday Cake locations around the map, so you can complete this challenge as quickly as possible.
If you instead need anything else on the Fortnite Birthday event that isn't to do with Fortnite Birthday cakes, you can check out our Fortnite Birthday Celebrations guide. It’s in this guide that you can find a walkthrough for exactly when the event will last to, as well as how you can earn the new Birthday Back Bling in the process.
Fortnite Cakes
Just below, you can see the complete list of Fortnite Birthday Challenges, that debuted around the map all the way back on July 24. One of these challenges is to ‘Dance in front of different Birthday Cakes’, an entirely new thing that has now appeared all over the Fortnite map.

As for the locations of the Fortnite Birthday Cakes, check out our map just below. This is the complete list of Birthday Cake locations on the Fortnite map, as we've managed to track down every single one.
Fortnite Birthday Cakes - All Cake Locations

All you have to do is pull off any dance emote once you reach a Birthday Cake, and it'll count towards the total requirement of 10. Now that we're all done here, you can head over to our best Fortnite skins guide, where we’ll rank the top 20 overall skins in the entire game, now including every Season 5 skin. Elsewhere we've got a guide to the Fortnite Week 3 Challenges in Season 5.
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Read Again Berita Ini
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